박창수 UN ECOSOC NGO FLML 국제녹색휴머니티기구 총재는 민족 고유의 명절인 추석을 맞이하여 명동성당 명동밥집에서 노숙인.독거노인 등 720분의 취약계층 어르신들께 밥과 소불고기, 오이채무침, 김치찌개를 대접해 드리고 빵대신 송편 등 떡을 나눠드렸습니다.
선선한 날씨고 급식 장소인 대형 천막 속에 대형 선풍기 몇대가 가동되어도 온 몸이 땀으로 범벅되었습니다.
특히 오늘은 윤석열 대통령께서 이 곳에서 급식봉사를 하셔서 경호문제도 있고 절차도 있고 해서 다소 복잡하였으나 대통령께서 추석을 맞아 어려우신 어르신들을 위해 급식봉사를 하시는 자세는 좋아보였습니다
덕분에 비록 짧은 시간이지만 어르신들께서 편하게 식사를 하셔서 다행스럽게 생각합니다
Today, in celebration of Chuseok, a national holiday, President of the UN ECOSOC NGO FLML provided rice, beef bulgogi, pickled cucumber and kimchi stew to the 720 vulnerable seniors, including the homeless and the elderly living alone, at the Myeongdong Cathedral.
Even though the weather was cool, even with a few large fans operating in the large tent where the food was served, his body was covered in sweat.
In particular, today, President Yoon Seok-yeol served lunch here, so it was a bit complicated because there was a security problem and there were procedures, however, the attitude of the president serving meals for the elderly in need on Chuseok seemed good.
Even though it was a short time, I am glad that the seniors enjoyed their meals comfortably.
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