Hello everyone,
I welcome everyone who has visited the website of UN ECOSOC NGO FLML.
UN ECOSOC NGO FLML is a UN NGO that has been granted Special Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council on July 21, 2021.
UN ECOSOC NGO FLML strives to protect forests and the environment and to realize 2050 carbon neutrality (Net Zero) in response to climate change and global warming. We also conduct humanitarian activities such as caring, serving, sharing, and volunteering for those in need,
In addition, as a UN NGO, to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 5 Ps, namely, Planet (environmental protection), People (humanitarian practice for people), Prosperity (sustainable green growth and living together well), Peace (peace), and Partnership (global partnership), we are actively developing our activities.
I would like to ask for your support and active participation in saving the earth and humanitarian activities and working with our neighbors in need.
Thank you.
December 20, 2021
President Chang-Soo Park, Ph.D
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